
Kills Deaths Suicides Captures Returns RatingHeadshots Time Efficiency
136 102 2 0 0 1388 0 2h 04m 10s leftmainright 56.67%

Favorite Weapons for Boone
Weapon Kills Ratio of total Kills
1. AK74 80 leftmainright 58.82%
2. Shottie 37 leftmainright 27.21%
3. Frag Nade 14 leftmainright 10.29%
4. MP5 4 leftmainright 2.94%
5. Knife 1 leftmainright 0.74%

Favorite Targets for Boone
Victim Kills Ratio of total Kills
1. {LLC}Andyman (rating: 1299) 10 leftmainright 7.35%
2. Your Own Stupidity (rating: 1454) 10 leftmainright 7.35%
3. bellyup (rating: 1307) 8 leftmainright 5.88%
4. {BaD-AiM} (rating: 1446) 6 leftmainright 4.41%
5. starthif (rating: 1403) 5 leftmainright 3.68%
6. {LLC}PokerFace (rating: 1494) 5 leftmainright 3.68%
7. {LLC}HAMMERS (rating: 1525) 4 leftmainright 2.94%
8. {LLC}Bunga (rating: 1311) 3 leftmainright 2.21%
9. {LLC}LT.riotson (rating: 1504) 3 leftmainright 2.21%
10. {LLC}NosFo (rating: 1474) 3 leftmainright 2.21%

Worst Enemies for Boone
Enemy Deaths Ratio of total Deaths
1. {LLC}NosFo (rating: 1474) 8 leftmainright 7.84%
2. {LLC}Andyman (rating: 1299) 6 leftmainright 5.88%
3. {LLC}HAMMERS (rating: 1525) 5 leftmainright 4.90%
4. {LLC}LT.riotson (rating: 1504) 5 leftmainright 4.90%
5. starthif (rating: 1403) 4 leftmainright 3.92%
6. {LLC}PokerFace (rating: 1494) 4 leftmainright 3.92%
7. Hated (rating: 1495) 3 leftmainright 2.94%
8. {LLC}Xilace (rating: 1585) 3 leftmainright 2.94%
9. {LLC}Riot (rating: 1493) 3 leftmainright 2.94%
10. Your Own Stupidity (rating: 1454) 3 leftmainright 2.94%