
Kills Deaths Suicides Captures ReturnsHeadshots Skill Time Ratio
172 189 4 0 0 0 -21 3h 16m 33s leftmainright 47.12%


Favorite Weapons for ELR@']['$crasseu
Weapon Kills Ratio of total Kills
1. Sniper Rifle 126 leftmainright 73.26%
2. AK74 30 leftmainright 17.44%
3. Shottie 8 leftmainright 4.65%
4. Knife Throw 3 leftmainright 1.74%
5. AK74 Stab 2 leftmainright 1.16%
6. Fire Nade 2 leftmainright 1.16%
7. Frag Nade 1 leftmainright 0.58%


Favorite Targets for ELR@']['$crasseu
Victim Kills Ratio of total Kills
1. Lucky Men 45 leftmainright 26.16%
2. SANDMAN 8 leftmainright 4.65%
3. -=Garbage Slug=- G 1 leftmainright 0.58%
4. -=Garbage Skunk=- 1 leftmainright 0.58%
5. .[PhoboS]. 1 leftmainright 0.58%
6. -=Garbage DinGo=- 1 leftmainright 0.58%
7. -=Garbage Crow=-G 1 leftmainright 0.58%
8. Evo 1 leftmainright 0.58%


Worst Enemies for ELR@']['$crasseu
Enemy Deaths Ratio of total Deaths
1. Lucky Men 22 leftmainright 11.64%
2. .[PhoboS]. 18 leftmainright 9.52%
3. -=Garbage DinGo=- 4 leftmainright 2.12%
4. SHADOWChuss 3 leftmainright 1.59%
5. -=Garbage Skunk=- 3 leftmainright 1.59%
6. -=Garbage Slug=- G 2 leftmainright 1.06%
7. SANDMAN 2 leftmainright 1.06%
8. -=Garbage Crow=-G 2 leftmainright 1.06%