
Kills Deaths Suicides Captures ReturnsHeadshots Skill Time Ratio
128 68 1 0 0 0 59 2h 36m 52s leftmainright 64.97%


Favorite Weapons for Pug'
Weapon Kills Ratio of total Kills
1. M4 112 leftmainright 87.50%
2. Shottie 11 leftmainright 8.59%
3. Sniper Rifle 3 leftmainright 2.34%
4. Frag Nade 1 leftmainright 0.78%
5. M4 Nade 1 leftmainright 0.78%


Favorite Targets for Pug'
Victim Kills Ratio of total Kills
1. -=GarbageHawk=- 10 leftmainright 7.81%
2. -=Garbage Slug=- G 7 leftmainright 5.47%
3. DuKe G 5 leftmainright 3.91%
4. Evo 4 leftmainright 3.12%
5. trip 3 leftmainright 2.34%
6. Garbage Mongoose 3 leftmainright 2.34%
7. ==>breihz Shoot<== 2 leftmainright 1.56%
8. UnnamedPlayer 2 leftmainright 1.56%
9. Canty22(uk) 2 leftmainright 1.56%
10. SANDMAN 2 leftmainright 1.56%


Worst Enemies for Pug'
Enemy Deaths Ratio of total Deaths
1. -=GarbageHawk=- 5 leftmainright 7.35%
2. Garbage Mongoose 5 leftmainright 7.35%
3. Canty22(uk) 4 leftmainright 5.88%
4. DuKe G 4 leftmainright 5.88%
5. -=Garbage Slug=- G 2 leftmainright 2.94%
6. Sgt Pips 2 leftmainright 2.94%
7. trip 2 leftmainright 2.94%
8. SANDMAN 2 leftmainright 2.94%
9. ==>breihz Shoot<== 1 leftmainright 1.47%
10. Evo 1 leftmainright 1.47%