
Kills Deaths Suicides Captures ReturnsHeadshots Skill Time Ratio
132 244 1 0 0 0 -113 2h 11m 30s leftmainright 35.01%


Favorite Weapons for BlackUnity
Weapon Kills Ratio of total Kills
1. M4 92 leftmainright 69.70%
2. M4 Nade 24 leftmainright 18.18%
3. Sniper Rifle 12 leftmainright 9.09%
4. Shottie 1 leftmainright 0.76%
5. M1911-A1 1 leftmainright 0.76%
6. Knife Throw 1 leftmainright 0.76%
7. Micro Uzi 1 leftmainright 0.76%


Favorite Targets for BlackUnity
Victim Kills Ratio of total Kills
1. ==>breihz Shoot<== 12 leftmainright 9.09%
2. Bloke 10 leftmainright 7.58%
3. -=Garbage Slug=- G 5 leftmainright 3.79%
4. UnnamedPlayer 4 leftmainright 3.03%
5. Lucky Men 4 leftmainright 3.03%
6. y2krang 2 leftmainright 1.52%
7. Padre_Rysa[pl] 2 leftmainright 1.52%
8. SANDMAN 2 leftmainright 1.52%
9. DuKe G 2 leftmainright 1.52%
10. Sgt Pips 1 leftmainright 0.76%


Worst Enemies for BlackUnity
Enemy Deaths Ratio of total Deaths
1. Bloke 21 leftmainright 8.61%
2. -=Garbage Slug=- G 19 leftmainright 7.79%
3. -=Garbage Skunk=- 12 leftmainright 4.92%
4. UnnamedPlayer 11 leftmainright 4.51%
5. -=Garbage Shark=-G 9 leftmainright 3.69%
6. .[PhoboS]. 8 leftmainright 3.28%
7. BaLLe 8 leftmainright 3.28%
8. DuKe G 8 leftmainright 3.28%
9. ==>breihz Shoot<== 6 leftmainright 2.46%
10. Padre_Rysa[pl] 5 leftmainright 2.05%