
Kills Deaths Suicides Captures ReturnsHeadshots Skill Time Ratio
130 107 0 0 0 0 23 3h 08m 03s leftmainright 54.85%


Favorite Weapons for y2krang
Weapon Kills Ratio of total Kills
1. Sniper Rifle 119 leftmainright 91.54%
2. Shottie 5 leftmainright 3.85%
3. M1911-A1 3 leftmainright 2.31%
4. Knife Throw 2 leftmainright 1.54%
5. Frag Nade 1 leftmainright 0.77%


Favorite Targets for y2krang
Victim Kills Ratio of total Kills
1. UnnamedPlayer 8 leftmainright 6.15%
2. ==>breihz Shoot<== 5 leftmainright 3.85%
3. .[PhoboS]. 5 leftmainright 3.85%
4. Unatural Disaster 4 leftmainright 3.08%
5. ulli 3 leftmainright 2.31%
6. Lucky Men 3 leftmainright 2.31%
7. -=Garbage Crow=-G 2 leftmainright 1.54%
8. BlackUnity 2 leftmainright 1.54%
9. New!Dump!(lc)Federal!! 2 leftmainright 1.54%
10. le boss france 1 leftmainright 0.77%


Worst Enemies for y2krang
Enemy Deaths Ratio of total Deaths
1. .[PhoboS]. 17 leftmainright 15.89%
2. UnnamedPlayer 8 leftmainright 7.48%
3. le boss france 4 leftmainright 3.74%
4. Player [bad_boys] 3 leftmainright 2.80%
5. DuKe G 3 leftmainright 2.80%
6. Garbage Mongoose 3 leftmainright 2.80%
7. Unatural Disaster 2 leftmainright 1.87%
8. ==>breihz Shoot<== 2 leftmainright 1.87%
9. Don Brother 2 leftmainright 1.87%
10. -=Garbage Crow=-G 2 leftmainright 1.87%